How ERP Software Solves Common Manufacturing Issues

How ERP Software Solves Common Manufacturing Issues

On a daily basis, manufacturing companies face a variety of challenges. While these difficulties differ from one manufacturer to the next, some issues are universal. Adopting new technology, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, is usually advised to deal with such issues more effectively.

According to PMTrack, the use of modern technology helps streamline company processes by increasing employee productivity, lowering costs, and eliminating supply inefficiencies. With the manufacturing industry’s already complex environment, it’s becoming increasingly difficult. Here are some ways ERP systems can help you solve your manufacturing challenges to assist you.

Problem #1: Error in Data Collection

How quickly your company grows is determined by how quickly you can access its data. However, if you are still manually storing data, you are decades behind your competitors. The reason is simple: manual data entry takes time and can be inaccurate due to human error. However, these mistakes and long delays can be costly to your company. So, what is the solution?

Get an ERP that provides you with instant access to key data such as your finances, sales forecasts, inventory levels, and a comprehensive view of your business operations in general at any time. It also provides your employees with the knowledge they need to do their jobs more effectively, improving the overall health of your company.

Problem #2. Lack of Proper Scheduling and Planning

Profit margins in your manufacturing company suffer greatly as a result of poor production planning, the use of ineffective forecasting tools, and a workforce shortage.

As a result, your inventory requirements and production planning will be somewhat speculative. As a result, it interferes with the company’s operational and administrative requirements.

Every manufacturing company must maintain proper planning and scheduling to succeed in today’s highly competitive market. This is why manufacturers require ERP software, which provides complete visibility into inventory and sales forecasting. It can also help you ensure that raw materials, equipment, and personnel are readily available when you want to ramp up production. Furthermore, proper scheduling aids in the alignment of your production schedules with shipments and deliveries.

Problem #3: Inaccurate Reports

Your company requires reports on various aspects of the manufacturing process. Ageing reports are required by inventory managers, for example. The order processing team requires shipping and customer documents. Upper-level management requires an overview of the company to make strategic decisions, so the financial department accounts for inventory and sales data. Each of these functions has its own set of software possibilities. The problem for manufacturing is that these applications all rely on the same data.

Pulling reports that meet the needs of each team takes time and is prone to errors when a manufacturing company stores information in multiple systems. Furthermore, the data between the networks may be duplicated, with one network missing information from the other. After that, the reports must be validated and verified, which takes time.

An ERP centralises all of your data, allowing anyone who needs it to access it quickly. A simple self-service reporting system is included in the system. Users can obtain reports without involving other departments or information technology. Reports for customers or regulators can be generated quickly and easily.

An ERP represents data in a unified system by combining data from multiple departments across the enterprise. To ensure greater accuracy, it is updated with each transaction.

Problem #4: Inventory Control

Inventory control is critical because it ensures that you can meet the needs of your customers by streamlining the supply chain. As a manufacturer, however, this isn’t always the case because you’ll frequently have to deal with the problem of having too little or too much inventory. Given that you have no idea how much inventory is in transit, the warehouse, or anywhere else, this is to be expected. ERP software comes in handy at this point because it allows you to see your inventory throughout the production line.

To ensure optimal inventory control, the ERP assists you in implementing standard inventory management processes and practises. This is accomplished by integrating the system with an inventory control application, which provides a clear picture of inventory counts as well as improved visibility of the entire manufacturing process.

As a result, you will always be informed about details such as safety stock, lead time, reorder points, and approval notifications and alerts.

As a manufacturer, using ERP software helps you avoid undesirable outcomes such as lower inventory-related expenses by maintaining optimal inventory levels at all times. In the long run, this will help you increase your profit margins.

Problem #5: Quality Issues

Any manufacturing company must prioritise quality products above all else. However, if you continue to rely on antiquated methods to ensure quality, you risk compromising quality by making errors in batching, expiration dates, lot recall, and so on. It’s time to automate your quality processes and gain more control over your entire supply chain.

An ERP that assists you with real-time and end-to-end tracking of your inventory, from the time it enters your premises to the time it leaves, is essential. An ERP only monitors inventory characteristics, tests for stability, tracks expiration data, and identifies quarantine resources. As a result, your operational efficiency will improve, and you will have greater control over your company.

Problem #6:Real-time Information

To avoid revenue loss due to incorrect batch ticket fulfilment, real-time data is critical in the production process. Data accuracy on the part of vendors and customers also contributes to manufacturing process efficiency.  

Problem #7: Wastage of Resources

The exact costs of wasted resources and manufacturing delays can be difficult to calculate. This is the last thing a manufacturer wants because it means lower profit margins. You can, fortunately, avoid this problem by implementing ERP software that ensures proper resource utilisation. This system can help you achieve this goal in a number of ways, including:

  • Implement routine inspection, maintenance, and servicing protocols and measures.
  • Describe the circumstances that necessitate the need for maintenance.

With these safeguards in place, the equipment and machinery required to operate at peak performance at all times in order for a manufacturer to succeed will be ensured. Using ERP software also helps to reduce labour-intensive and time-consuming tasks, simplify supply chains, reduce material waste, and reduce damage by optimising equipment use. Furthermore, ERP software allows you to streamline various manufacturing processes, increasing the overall productivity of your manufacturing facility.


These are just a few examples. Manufacturers face numerous problems in their daily operations that require inspection and repair. ERP systems not only address the aforementioned issues in your manufacturing business, but also assist you in dealing with day-to-day operational issues, streamlining business processes, and gaining a competitive advantage. True, it has a cost, but think of it as an investment and start reaping the benefits right away.

PMTRACK ERP offers the most effective ERP solution for the manufacturing industry. To schedule a free demo, get in touch with our team at

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